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 Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967

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2 participants


Messages : 904
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2010
Localisation : 92

Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967   Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Aoû - 11:23

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Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967


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Messages : 578
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2010
Age : 59
Localisation : Paris 18

Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967   Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967 Icon_minitimeMar 4 Aoû - 12:21

Une tuerie ce concert! :lol: Le batteur est plus précis qu'un métronome.
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Otis Redding and others from Stax in concert, Oslo 1967
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