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 Restauration d'un Vinyle

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Messages : 2783
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2014

Restauration d'un Vinyle Empty
MessageSujet: Restauration d'un Vinyle   Restauration d'un Vinyle Icon_minitimeSam 19 Aoû - 12:21

People usually think vinyl records got a strenght that, actually, they haven't. In fact, these music supports are very sensitive and can deteriorate as all of materials of common use. Heat, light, moisture and impacts, of course, are the first causes of records damages. Also degrade due to use is phisiological, because of stylus'rubbing on surface. So, very important are the way of preservation and use of this precious instrument, with the constant maintenance of record player and stylus, to promise to records the maximum longevity. The good new is that most of the damages due to age on this vinyl's supports, traumatic events or a bad use, can find a solution by an accurate restoration. Fulvio Cartacci, with a thirty-years experience in restoration of artworks, transfers in this work the ethics of analysis method, project and executions of his professional profile. Vinyl's restoration, born and grown with his activity of art works'restorer, being Fulvio a records'collector. His work is aimed at solving audio disturbs due to fractures, scratches and various injuries, mold and dirt. Even a proper repair of damaged labels will be possible. The work will be supported by an accurate report of type of intervention performed, photographic documentation and audio recordings that will be issued at the moment of record's delivery. Shippings will be made only by secure method to ensure tracking of the product.

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